Living as a human being on planet earth means countless reasons to experience anxiety. But there is a painful difference between the stress we naturally feel in response to challenges and the life-altering fear that steals our potential and paralyzes us. The work to release the terrifying symptoms of chronic anxiety and panic can’t change the world, but it can change the way you feel as you step into every day.


Your right is to feel safe enough, to rest and to thrive. Challenges are inevitable, but the challenge of a severely anxious mind can seem insurmountable, depriving the world of your many gifts and depriving you of the authentic confidence you are worthy of embodying. The methods for overcoming anxiety include all of you, your body, your mind and your “heart”. Your body wants to learn to feel relaxed and “safe enough” in order for your mind to open to a more compassionate, empowering and kind inner dialogue, replacing the fearful inner monitor stuck on high alert. A relaxed body is a home to a tranquil mind in service of heart-centered emotions and actions, rather than a mind that is a prisoner of unchecked fear.


Fear is meant to be a useful state that helps keep us safe. It’s an inner alarm system that signals strategies for survival like fighting or fleeing, freezing or even fawning. Anxiety that is “disordered” is like that alarm system is malfunctioning; the flashing “danger” button can’t turn off. No wonder us anxious folks turn to coping skills that distract and numb us from the excruciating underlying sense of a continuous threat to safety. And because our minds have the job of translating the feedback from our bodies, we’ll be presented with chaotic thoughts presenting any number of possibilities of what could be going wrong; inside of us, or all around us. Our bodies and minds are doing what they’re supposed to do to protect us, which can feel to us like barely surviving, without any energy or headspace left for the art of thriving.


When I finally addressed my own long bout with chronic panic, I discovered the benefit of regular specific movement and breath skills, and I learned to question the habitual thoughts that plagued my mind. Eventually, I found that most of my repetitive worrisome thinking was habitual and I could learn to turn toward more nuanced, life affirming concepts. This doesn’t mean I ignore the inevitability of pain and suffering, but I intend to hold what is challenging with more curiosity rather than exhaust myself in the effort of strategizing the avoidance and suppression of discomfort. I’ve spent the last decade and a half unwinding why the methods I used to help myself recover through formal education and self-study. I’ve brought my work to groups of adults and teens at Behavioural Health Clinics, to workshops, retreats and to my private practice both in person and online. Including the body and breath in your recovery system is an important aspect of reclaiming your peace.


As your somatic therapist and anxiety coach, my intention is to help you remember you are much more than anxiety, and that there is a part of you that knows that. This work can help you reunite with that still place within you.


I’ll invite you to explore movement in your comfortable range of motion, with the intention to release physical tension and promote relaxation. These rhythmic movements can be practiced while lying down, standing or seated in a chair and can be adjusted to your specific needs. The movement can create more ease in the breath, and once there is comfort in breath techniques, we may explore some easy options to further settle your “nervous” nervous system. I will also share countless skills to promote relaxation and true rest that are meaningful to your unique constitution. There’s likely been years of experiencing inner unrest, our work is to balance that with real, productive rest, ultimately creating a state of more ease overall.


Once you discover the specific movements, breath skills, cognitive tools and relaxation techniques that work for you, you now have your very own unique practice for grounding and calming. And that’s just the beginning. Releasing anxiety frees up immense space in your mind and grows your wellspring of energy and creativity. The practices for calming anxiety not only provide peace in the moment but can support a renewed sense of purpose and power in the life you lead on your own terms.


Private Session Options:

In person at Auke Bay Yoga in Juneau, AK:

If you live in the Juneau area, I invite you to meet with me in person to discuss how I can support unique you. Our sessions begin with grounding skills to clear the mind and create a sense of “safe enough” in a new interaction. Expect gentle inquiries regarding your wellness goals that you may share with me to your level of comfort. Your specific constitution is considered when offering you the individualized movements, breath skills, meditations, cognitive tools and concepts that are appropriate for you. You will have an opportunity to sample and create your own practical and accessible practices to integrate into your week and help you actualize your intentions.


Online Package 1: Remembering Peace:

Meet with me for an initial session for an assessment regarding the specific skills that work for your body, mind and schedule. Receive an easy set of skills to practice for 2 weeks on your own time including a personalized recorded guided relaxation or meditation.

Receive a follow-up session to assess the efficacy of the initial practice and receive adjustments if necessary. Will include a second personalized audio practice just for you.

Receive one month free access to my robust library of therapeutic skills and practices: Worrier to Warrior Yoga Therapy

Meet me one month following the initial session to receive a complete, individualized practice to support your peace going forward.

Investment: $337.00



Online Package 2: Creating Peace:

Meet with me every week for 4 weeks for compassionate, individualized anxiety care. Practices and skills for stress, anxiety and panic attacks if applicable, and daily grounded ease. Receive a personalized audio guided relaxation or meditation each session that is yours to keep.

Includes one month free access to Worrier to Warrior Yoga Therapy.

Follow Up session 2 months after initial session for continues support and additional practices

Investment: $537.00


Online Package 3: Peace and Purpose

Meet with me every week for one month for individualized stress/anxiety relief. You’ll receive appropriate practices and personalized recorded relaxation and meditation each session.

Follow up with me for 60 minutes once a month for 3-6 months. Each session will continue to build on your skills and support your needs.

Includes 3-6 months free access to Worrier to Warrior Yoga Therapy.

Investment for 4 months of support: $737.00

Investment for 7 months of support: $1008.00