Posts in 75 Minutes
Inhalation Invigoration

Both yoga and western science teach us that our inhales are associated with increased alertness, attention and invigoration. This full practice focuses on a deeper philosophy surrounding breath directions and how the inhale is related to opening and clearing the heart of heavy, stagnant (kapha) energy. Expect full body movement that may increase mobility of the upper back and shoulders.

Yang/Yin: Root to Rise

Explore your body's relationship with the ground in strengthening standing postures and yin poses to relax the nervous system and find ease in effort. Intended to help you practice feeling calm and connected to yourself and the present moment before moving into potential.

Calming the Overactive Mind/Body

Those of us with a more dominant fiery nature who have a hard time relaxing, or have a tendency not to stop until the point of exhaustion can become vulnerable to burnout as the weather heats up. Interestingly, many of us need stronger movement before we can truly relax. This is an example of a practice to help a busy mind and body finally take a break, cool down and replenish.

Calm Concentration to Rest the Mind

The underpinnings of yoga include the philosophy of the Yoga Sutras, an old text that continues to inspire modern yogis. One of the suggestions for creating inner contentment is the cultivation of "dharana" the Sanskrit word for concentration. Explore techniques to support this skill within a complete, full body hatha practice.

Nourishment Through True Presence

When was the last time you allowed yourself to just be? There are so many benefits to letting ourselves do nothing every once in a while, and be with what is. Here's a practice that guides you to presence through your senses throughout a rhythmic, engaging and strengthening flow. Learn to discern how to feel a balance of effort and ease and experience 75 minutes of mindfulness in motion.

Rebuild & Restore Through Effort & Ease

One reason we may feel depleted is having to continue to take action to fulfill our responsibilities even when we may need rest. This necessary tendency can desensitize us to our energy levels and lead to burn out. The intention of this hatha flow is to re-sensitize yourself to how much energy you are expending by committing to work at 70-75 percent of your ability during the dynamic portion of this practice. The last third of this class is a series of restorative poses to further help us rebuild the energy we scatter through our lives every day.

Craft a Supportive Morning Routine (May Workshop)

In May's workshop, I offered you a bounty of ideas for helping you to start your day vibrant and tranquil.

We explored an exercise where we examine what we already do each morning, and where we could add in small new habits that can add up to big changes over time.

Workshop notes:

-New habit ideas from bed: Breathe into right side nostril/right side body to encourage a new day of energized activity, eye exercises, joint freeing. Cultivate a thought as your feet hit the floor, like: "May something wonderful happen today".

-Let the light in, a ritual while opening blinds, windows, standing joint freeing and shake off the night's sleep.

-5 essential yoga postures: Plank, Cobra (or Locust), Leg Lifts, Bridge Pose, Bow Pose (with modifications and options. Body Brushing

-Turning aspirations into reality through habit change (written exercise)

-Prana Nidra: a supine guided meditation intended to encourage presence, (the wellspring of vitality) and balance our energy.

Strong Arms Without Strong Arming

Strengthen your wrists, arms and upper body in a sustainable way by learning to mobilize joints and strengthen muscles without load, preparing the arms for appropriate challenge. In this 75 min invigorating therapeutic class, you'll warm up before weight-bearing movement and explore how focus on arms and chest can enhance breath and the connection with qualities of the heart.