Receiving Relaxation

Receiving self-compassion by allowing ourselves to do less and rest productively. This practice invites you to recline on pilliows or a bolster and receive guided relaxation cues to release tension, become present and experience restorative rest.

Embodying Self-Compassion

A reading, reflection, breath and movement practice to physically "open" across the chest, possibly creating focus on and an opportunity to cultivate deep care and compassion for self.

Lisa Dumas
Exploring Sustainable Strength

In mid winter, it can be therapeutic to explore stronger movement sequences. Each movement here can also be practiced up against a wall (wall plank, wall push ups) if that feels better for your body.

Lisa Dumas
Flow and Restore

Representing refreshment, possibility and potential with a dynamic sequence followed by introspective restorative shapes for rest. Expect balancing postures, twists and flows. Playlist: "Inspired" from my Spotify account- Lisa Dumas