Our minds are built to look for what could go wrong, what we need to achieve and what to worry about. For busy modern humans, that can mean a feeling of overwhelm or even anxiety. This 75 minute practice teaches how to ground the mind in what is more uplifting but also very true through a breath technique, visualization and movement intended to create a lighter, more expansive physical sensation.
A 60 minute practice beginning with a breath technique and mantra to rest and focus the mind. We thread the mantra through the movement to continue to protect the mind, while the rhythmic quality of asana is intended to merge with breath and the repeated internal sound inviting us toward our peaceful nature.
An energizing practice to release stagnation. Includes a rejuvenating breath technique and movement to renew. Expect to explore a mudra to ignite clarity and vibrancy and a sweet visualization in Savasana to enhance your glow.
In December's workshop we explored several therapeutic skills for connecting with qualities of the heart. Expect philosophy, meditation and use of mantra. You are also invited to offer your practice to someone you appreciate and to deeply rest in a 20 minute guided Yoga Nidra.
A 60 minute practice designed to help you shift gears from the workday to the evening hours. A mudra and breath technique is offered to support the wind down, the intention of letting go of the day is held throughout and the practice closes with deep relaxation to help you shift into nighttime activities feeling refreshed, present and at ease.
This 65 minute practice offers the opportunity to “watch” your thoughts rather than identify with them or react to them, explores how breath and movement can affect the quality of the mind and displays the empowering skill of choosing a thought to create more contentment which may ultimately create a condition where we can open to the truer, softer voice of the heart.
While the practice of gratitude may have become watered down, the power of saying thank you is just as strong as ever. This experience is intended to explore gratitude as a therapeutic technique for lower mood states through mudra, mindset, movement and memory. I hope you enjoy this heart opening, expansive sequence as much as I did creating it for you! Suggested prop- bolster or pillows
This is one of my favorite classes ever. You’ll learn how to relax quickly, 2 breath techniques to calm the body and rest the mind, movement that helps the breath and mind to regulate, a tool that may create a feeling of connection to others and a deeply restoring yoga nidra practice to close. 75 minutes of bliss!
Yoga teaches us we are much more than a physical body. We also have a mental body, a wisdom body, a bliss body and a pranic body that are effected by everything we do. Our pranic body is our energy body, prana is our life force. Breath practices along with many other things affect our vitality. This 60 min practice utilizes the breath in several ways to help harmonize our energy while the physical practice is a balance of more warming, followed by cooling postures. Enjoy!!
This 75 minute experience begins with a 10 minute meditation known to be helpful for the “pitta” dosha in the mind, an Ayurvedic concept that can describe the state of mind/body when we are pushing ourselves (and maybe others) to get things done, to achieve and do more, perhaps to the detriment of our energy and relationships to others and ourselves. The sequence is meant to be engaging and strengthening, ultimately supporting more contentment with the way things are, as they are.
A first thing in the morning refresher. An invitation to focus on the good, get inspired, breathe and move in ways to uplift and invigorate (no yoga mat required- you could do it next to the bed!). Then, have your journal ready for some gratitude listing to take you into your day ready to receive more of what you love.
A practice that utilizes rhythmic movement to de-stress the body and mind. Includes an opening breath technique to invite presence and calm and a super relaxing, inspiring tool before Savasana.
A gentle movement practice that never leaves the floor intended to ease stress and connect you with grounded contentment.
A moderate practice that includes a toolbox of techniques that you can use to soothe a worried mind and nervous body.