Posts in heart
Grounded and Focused

A 60 minute hatha class that challenges the mind to focus on the different ways the body moves and the visualized paths the breath is taking. A perfect class for grounding your energy and attention back to yourself so you can decide the most efficient places to direct it.

Shift Your State

A moderate 75 minute hatha practice designed to get things moving, whether it be difficult emotions, habitual worrying thoughts or lethargy due to time of year. Explore a breath technique to break up inertia and a purposeful quality of movement to focus the mind and warm the body.

Releasing 2020- Receiving Renewal

A deluxe practice full of therapeutic skills to assimilate the transition of the end of one year and the beginning of the next. Expect to explore the breath as inspiration to receive and release, along with mudras, symbolic movement and reflective self-inquiry.

75 Minutes, soul, mind, heartLisa Dumas
Creating Contentment Within

A special extended class featuring some of my favorite therapeutic techniques for reconnecting with your natural, peaceful place within. Expect a very calming breath practice, an extended guided meditation followed by nourishing movement and a deep, heart centered yoga nidra to close.

Permission to Slow Down

A deluxe practice that begins and ends on the ground. Expect to prepare your joints for strengthening in postures that stay close to the mat. Once warm, we’ll move into a few yin and restorative shapes to balance the “yang” energy we experience in most hours of the day. Thoughts are also invited to slow and rest through several cues to “be here now”, an ideal evening practice

Grounding Into Gratitude

Our minds are built to look for what could go wrong, what we need to achieve and what to worry about. For busy modern humans, that can mean a feeling of overwhelm or even anxiety. This 75 minute practice teaches how to ground the mind in what is more uplifting but also very true through a breath technique, visualization and movement intended to create a lighter, more expansive physical sensation.

Soothing Overwhelm and Distraction

A 60 minute practice beginning with a breath technique and mantra to rest and focus the mind. We thread the mantra through the movement to continue to protect the mind, while the rhythmic quality of asana is intended to merge with breath and the repeated internal sound inviting us toward our peaceful nature.

Have Your Own Back

A 60 minute full practice with the intention of supporting posture, spinal alignment and upper back tension. There also virtually no pressure placed on the wrist joints, so it is a relief for an area that can get taxed while it is getting stronger. Expect to explore a mudra said to relax "tightness" in the upper back and a reflection on where in your life to "have your own back"

Morning Ritual: Calm and Confident

Start your day with this 20 minute practice that invites the mind to focus on the breath and an empowering mantra rather than the habitual thoughts we wake up with. Expect movement to ready the body and the core for a day of confidence followed by a mudra and short meditation. A reminder of the power within.

Managing Stressful Thoughts

This 65 minute practice offers the opportunity to “watch” your thoughts rather than identify with them or react to them, explores how breath and movement can affect the quality of the mind and displays the empowering skill of choosing a thought to create more contentment which may ultimately create a condition where we can open to the truer, softer voice of the heart.

The Art of Gratitude

While the practice of gratitude may have become watered down, the power of saying thank you is just as strong as ever. This experience is intended to explore gratitude as a therapeutic technique for lower mood states through mudra, mindset, movement and memory. I hope you enjoy this heart opening, expansive sequence as much as I did creating it for you! Suggested prop- bolster or pillows

Calm and Connected- Deluxe Practice

This is one of my favorite classes ever. You’ll learn how to relax quickly, 2 breath techniques to calm the body and rest the mind, movement that helps the breath and mind to regulate, a tool that may create a feeling of connection to others and a deeply restoring yoga nidra practice to close. 75 minutes of bliss!