A brief, seated breath, movement and visualization practice to help you reconnect with your heart. The movement calms the body and mind so you can open to deeper aspects of yourself beyond thought.
Support your body and mind to release the day and drift off into deep and restorative rest with this inspiring and relaxing guided meditation designed to help you fall asleep.
A 15 minute set of therapeutics for tending to tight external hip rotators (piriformis, gluteals) which often occur and can cause pain around the sacrum or in the deep buttocks. Try this program to keep the area mobilized, strong and flexible!
EFT, or "tapping" is an evidence-based technique that soothes obsessive thinking with a somatic interruption (the tapping of meridian points on the body) along with a cognitive skill to reframe worries and cultivate self-compassion. With continued use, you may experience more freedom from thoughts that create suffering.
The tapping protocol: Top of head, outer eyebrow, inner eyebrow, above the lip, the top of the chin, above the collarbones, sides of upper torso, below the breasts, wrists “karate chop”, tips of fingers and thumb.
For those who wish to include meditation and movement in the morning routine but aren’t able to create a habit, here’s an efficient way to add short and simple practices that can make a big impact over time.
Here are three more ideas for tiny, easy habits that you could connect to activities you already do each day. This week, I offer inspirations for shower time, the moments we spend waiting and a quick pre-meal ritual that can turn eating into a sacred moment of gratitude.
Throughout the month of May, I will be offering simple, accessible ideas to add to your daily routine to help you stay connected to your wellness goals, even in tiny ways. Watch this resource page each Monday this month for a new short video inviting you to sample small habits that can add up to big results.
A short practice including a breath technique, mantra and grounding, gentle movements to reconnect with the present moment and an undercurrent of tranquility within resistance to change.
This 20 minute practice offers a technique to shift the mind away from habitual morning thinking to inspiration, presence and thoughts that welcome you wholly to a new day. You'll receive a poem to promote a more expansive mindset and a joint freeing sequence matched with breath and ideas to awaken while cultivating a kinder inner morning landscape.
An antidote to stiffness due to sitting, feeling low or stuck, this standing micro practice frees the joints, warms the muscles and re-energizes.
A quick breath technique and set of movements to energize the body and remind the brain to take in the sweetness of life a little more often.
A 15 minute seated practice that includes a series of skills to help us be present with the moment that is, even if we are resistant to a situation and our feelings about it. May we remember that the only certainty about what is, is that it will change.
A short practice to add a spring to your step as you acclimate to the time change, or whenever you desire a quick lift in energy. A standing sequence of enlivening movements to warm the joints, free the breath, enhance circulation and spring forward into the rest of your day!
We know that presence is the heart of healing, restoration, authentic contentment and confidence, but it’s not an easy place to settle. Here’s 10 minutes of focus-enhancing movement to drop you into the here and now.
A 15 minute series of postures that can help ease low back pain and strengthen the muscles that can support your posture and back health. Consult your doctor if you suspect a herniated lumbar disc and to make sure these movements are right for you.
A short, seated moving meditation intended to keep you embodied while connecting with higher perspectives and intentions. An opportunity to stay grounded while harnessing the vitality and motivation to follow through on planting and growing our dreams. Expect to move your spine in its various ranges of motion, practice enlivening breath and imagery.
A short experience with the breath intended to help awaken and enliven. Expect to explore a very slight retention of breath on the inhale if it feels comfortable for you.
A short practice to meet a heavier day or mood. Renewing movement and breath followed by heart centered imagery to warm and lighten from the outside in and the inside out.
My most essential practice to cultivate a sense of grounded wellbeing in my body and mind. An experience of warming and freeing the joints of your body, followed by a breath technique and visualization with the intention to leave you feeling calm, present and at ease. Use often!
A practice designed to help you relax deeply and drop off into sleep. Expect gentle movement, grounding and guided relaxation.