Stay present, curious and non-judgemental while moving through a sequence intended to strengthen glutes and hamstrings and stretch tight quads.
A yang/yin experience that explores the concept of "STOP"- Stop. Take a breath. Observe. Proceed.
Breath and movement to rejuvenate (core, arms, legs) followed by deep stretches for the hips and 2 restorative postures to relax and nourish.
This 75 minute full body practice begins with a mental alternate nostril breath technique for calm and focus and continues to invite alternate movements for alternate sides of the body with the intention of fully engaging the mind and drawing your attention to what is happening right here, right now.
Lots of yang and a bit of yin in this invigorating, twisting and strengthening sequence that invites you to use your breath and your mind with mindful intention.
A special 90 minute experience that offers several ideas for inserting supportive mini practices into your day and options for inspiring you when you have more time for movement, meditation and productive rest.
An invitation to connect to a memory, person or image that feels "opening" for the heart and the warm feelings related to that symbolic place within. Then, flow through an invigorating sequence to feel more expansive outside and in.
A few invitations to challenge ourselves in a warming practice that includes therapeutic skills for moving through turbulence, emotional upheaval and burnout. Expect an invigorating experience to help you release what may feel heavy.
For cool, damp days and the possible accompanying stagnation, this class intentionally creates heat through strong physical movement and through bringing our attention and energy back to us, away from thoughts, activities and distractions that drain us. Closing restorative postures balance this more challenging practice.
In our March workshop we explored an idea of "balance" that invites us to move, breathe and meditate with the intention to better hold and accept all aspects of who we are as we hold so many aspects of the human experience in the world now.
Yoga teaches that a regulated mind is one that is in service to our authentic self. This 75 minute practice begins on the floor, then engages in a breath visualization, movement and meditation intended to link the mind and heart.
This class invites you to release and renew through full body movement followed by 30 minutes of restorative shapes and relaxation. Perfect for a reset!
A breath and movement practice that symbolizes the act of drawing our attention back to our own experience, protecting us from the drain of paying attention to so many other things outside of our self. Expect warming posture holds encouraging us to channel that inner heat to fortify our own energy stores.
If you've been offering a lot of your energy out into the world and operating on empty for a while, this practice is intended to help you pour back in with the help of nourishing breath, expansive moderate movement and deep rest.
This deluxe experience begins with a standing joint freeing series that moves up the length of the body and shifts into a strengthening sequence that moves back down the body complete with an inward repetition of mantras related to physical areas of focus and their corresponding symbolism. Perfect for increased focus and invigoration.
The ayurvedic concept of "agni" is related to the element of fire and its symbolism as the heat that supports our healthy digestion of food and life. This workshop offers breath skills, visualization techniques and specific core-centred movements and twists to enhance our ability to metabolize the food we eat and the life we lead.
An opportunity to intentionally use your practice as a means of helping to integrate life experiences. A core-centered rhythmic flow with an invitation to reflect on what is being processed throughout.
Every aspect of this practice is related to balancing your nervous system including alternate nostril breath, joint mobilization, strong muscle engagement for the purpose of eventual relaxation in restorative postures. Suggested prop: bolster or pillows, Spotify playlist: Mantra from the lisaddumas account.
A selection of therapeutic skills including a compassionate self check-in, a moving mudra, specific winter movement and a meditation for self-love to break up stagnation and warm the heart.
A strengthening sequence for the glutes, core, shoulders and arms balanced by the softening quality of learning to kindly attend to ourselves by regularly checking in with the various aspects of who we are.