Posts in Invigorate
Yoga Nidra for Spring

Yoga Nidra, which means "yogic sleep" is a meditation that invites the practitioner to lay down and listen as she is guided through relaxation, a body scan and imagery with the intention to deeply relax the body, rest the busy mind and drop into a profoundly healing state. Please enjoy this version customized for the season of spring any time you need a refresh.

1st Mini Retreat of 2021- Spring Practices

Your first of two yearly mini-retreats in Vibrancy & Tranquility Daily explores the spring themes of renewing and clearing our outer and inner spaces. Sample cleansing breath, rejuvenating movement, meditation and reflection about how spring is emerging in you. Includes a deluxe guided restorative reclined meditation because enhancing our energy also requires productive rest.

Growing the Qualities of the Heart

A 60 minute moderate experience with an invitation to focus on a heart-based quality like acceptance for another or self, empathy, compassion and love as a means of balancing the mind and its tendency for ceaseless chatter. The breath technique and sequence offered is meant as an embodiment of growing these qualities through our practice.

Spring Forward

A short practice to add a spring to your step as you acclimate to the time change, or whenever you desire a quick lift in energy. A standing sequence of enlivening movements to warm the joints, free the breath, enhance circulation and spring forward into the rest of your day!

Celebrating Movement

For my birthday I created a sequence intended to celebrate the strength and mobility we have available now. This 75 minute feel-good hatha flow features fluid and challenging movements intended to free the upper back while invigorating and inspiring appreciation for health and wellbeing. Closes with a guided body scan to enhance restoration post-practice.

March Workshop: Uplift

As nature renews and each day is lighter, our practices can be a reflection of nature. To inspire a lighter mood, explore playful movement, an energizing breath technique and a practice to connect with real self-acceptance for days that feel heavier. Closes with a extended, guided rest to restore energy levels.

Turn Up the Heat

Features a sequence that focuses on functional core strengthening. Expect a stronger practice that invites you to utilize a "warming" Ujjayi style breath (gently firming the back of the throat so your breath is more audible and long) throughout. Stoke your inner flame so it is sustainable, and stay mindful through this empowering slow flow.

Hit the Refresh Button

A 60 minute practice intended to restore and enliven your energy. Features a refreshing breath technique followed by a creative flow of movements that warm, strengthen and stretch the muscles of the shoulders and upper back to decrease the effects of working at a computer and feel more freedom in your body and mind.

Free and Clear

A 60 min hatha class that explores warming, strengthening and stretching the shoulders and hips to encourage more "freedom" of the chest, low back and shoulder area. When we feel free in our bodies, we might have more space in our minds. We enhance the physical intention with an energizing breath technique and imagery to clear the path towards freedom in the body, mind and heart.

Ground to Grow

A short, seated moving meditation intended to keep you embodied while connecting with higher perspectives and intentions. An opportunity to stay grounded while harnessing the vitality and motivation to follow through on planting and growing our dreams. Expect to move your spine in its various ranges of motion, practice enlivening breath and imagery.

Intention and Attention

Every moment of this 50 minute offering is intended to invite you back to the breath, the body and present-centered thinking. A focus on the sense of sound and an invitation to create your own inner sound using your intention, meets a full body refreshing hatha practice.