A 20 minute guided meditation inviting you to lie down comfortably, engage in a body scan to relax deeply and explore imagery to settle the mind.
Explore practices designed to assist with an anxious mind, repetitive worry or a low mood and how they can invite clarity, perspective and relaxation. Includes movement, visualization, journaling prompts and deep rest.
A 30 minute meditation featuring progressive relaxation, a focusing breath visualization and a body scan to increase present-centered awareness and calm.
Gentle, rhythmic movements encourage the breath to deepen naturally, allowing the body and mind to calm and feel prepared for a "three part breath" technique for increased relaxation. Use frequently to settle the nervous system often.
Yoga offers a structure of relating to the many ways we are distracted and confused. This meditation leads us through the "kosha" model, inviting us to experience our physical bodies, our energy, minds and subconscious so we can more often connect with our true nature.
This 75 minute full body practice begins with a mental alternate nostril breath technique for calm and focus and continues to invite alternate movements for alternate sides of the body with the intention of fully engaging the mind and drawing your attention to what is happening right here, right now.
Renewing gentle movement begins and ends this body scan to promote presence and tranquility.
Productive rest: total relaxation for the body and mind to encourage healing and increased energy and vitality.
A special 90 minute experience that offers several ideas for inserting supportive mini practices into your day and options for inspiring you when you have more time for movement, meditation and productive rest.
A gentle, moving meditational experience that frees the neck and upper back and invites deep presence and calm.
A 10 minute guided meditation to get you started on a mindful walking practice
A supine meditation that invites you to explore breath and visualization with the intention of balancing and deeply restoring. A perfect refreshing afternoon practice.
Release tension from shoulders and neck and focus on a breathe technique and visualization intended to uplift and renew.
A 20 minute practice that includes some brief neck and spine movement before settling into a breath visualization and a mantra repetition.
This class invites you to release and renew through full body movement followed by 30 minutes of restorative shapes and relaxation. Perfect for a reset!
A version of a lovingkindness meditation intended to help you foster friendliness and kindness toward self, overcoming the habitual inner critic.
A breath visualization to promote balanced digestive fire and an invitation to inwardly repeat a mantra to ignite our personal power, will and ability to process life experiences.
The ayurvedic concept of "agni" is related to the element of fire and its symbolism as the heat that supports our healthy digestion of food and life. This workshop offers breath skills, visualization techniques and specific core-centred movements and twists to enhance our ability to metabolize the food we eat and the life we lead.
Alternate nostril breath can be an effective intervention for anxiousness. In this 15 minute meditation, we sample a manual and a mental version of this skill.
Every aspect of this practice is related to balancing your nervous system including alternate nostril breath, joint mobilization, strong muscle engagement for the purpose of eventual relaxation in restorative postures. Suggested prop: bolster or pillows, Spotify playlist: Mantra from the lisaddumas account.