This 30 minute class is intended to not only release physical tension but offers imagery and meditation to free mental and emotional tension as well.
A gentle standing sequence intended to center the mind and calm the body. Explore the connection of feet on the ground, of a pause to feel the present moment and a restful breath technique to further soothe your systems.
A mindfulness practice designed to help you hold all the parts of yourself in compassion and discern how you really feel and what you need to support yourself.
A quick and dynamic standing sequence featuring heel raises, squats, arm swings and shoulder rolls to wake up the body and mind.
Explore how gentle, rhythmic movement can assist in calming the nervous system, slowing the breath and relaxing the body, Practices like this one, over time, can help to heal an anxious mind and body.
I recommend this 20 minute joint rotation/movement practice as a way of helping you to cultivate calm, presence and a gentle energy as you wake up, or anytime you need a steadying, balancing experience.
A practice that energizes through a dynamic standing warm up, strengthening and stretching in an engaging sequence then invites total relaxation in restorative shapes.
Gentle, rhythmic movements encourage the breath to deepen naturally, allowing the body and mind to calm and feel prepared for a "three part breath" technique for increased relaxation. Use frequently to settle the nervous system often.
A 20 minute practice to charge lagging energy to use first thing in the morning or anytime you feel the need to shake off the cobwebs and be renewed.
Lots of yang and a bit of yin in this invigorating, twisting and strengthening sequence that invites you to use your breath and your mind with mindful intention.
A special 90 minute experience that offers several ideas for inserting supportive mini practices into your day and options for inspiring you when you have more time for movement, meditation and productive rest.
A 10 minute guided meditation to get you started on a mindful walking practice
A 20 minute practice that includes some brief neck and spine movement before settling into a breath visualization and a mantra repetition.
Celebrate your body and all it does by offering yourself sustainable choices in your movement. This 60 minute experience is designed to foster appreciation for body, breath and the gift of another day stepping into who you want to be.
A breath visualization to promote balanced digestive fire and an invitation to inwardly repeat a mantra to ignite our personal power, will and ability to process life experiences.
This deluxe experience begins with a standing joint freeing series that moves up the length of the body and shifts into a strengthening sequence that moves back down the body complete with an inward repetition of mantras related to physical areas of focus and their corresponding symbolism. Perfect for increased focus and invigoration.
A 30 minute practice promoting the health of the hips and low back through mobilizing the hip joint, developing pelvic neutrality and strengthening the core!
Alternate nostril breath can be an effective intervention for anxiousness. In this 15 minute meditation, we sample a manual and a mental version of this skill.
A meditation that invites your awareness and appreciation to various aspects of your entire body, intended to leave you feeling refreshed and connected to the heart.
A 15 minute practice that invites you to turn your gaze inward and hold space for "what is" in this moment. Check in with your mind, body, breath, emotional tone and energy to get information for what you need through the day.