When you need to take your time and ease into movement, a 60 minute therapeutic practice beginning on the floor, warming joints and muscles before slowly inviting you into a flow.
Welcome to a 75 minute class from a Toronto government-sanctioned quarantine hotel! This moderate hatha sequence is designed around mindful movement in time with full inhales and complete exhales. Slow strength, stretch and breath for calming refreshment.
A micro practice featuring an easy breath technique to soothe critical thinking along with self-inquiry to cultivate self-compassion when you need it.
A quick breath technique and set of movements to energize the body and remind the brain to take in the sweetness of life a little more often.
Our practices can be a good time for cultivating specific qualities and thoughts we'd like to grow in our minds and our lives. That focus is threaded through this 75 minute therapeutic hatha flow using posture, breath visualization and guided meditation to support the concept.
Our time on the mat can be a moment to press pause on our day and connect with how we are feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. Pausing with what is can help us make space for skillful thought and action moving forward. Expect to "pause" throughout this moderate physical practice for a chance to feel and be rather than do and achieve.
An engaging 60 minute practice that encourages your awareness to tether to sensations of the hands inviting an opportunity for presence and an embodiment of receiving what the moment offers. A therapeutic and balancing sequence for the body, blended with the opportunity for acceptance for the mind.
A 15 minute seated practice that includes a series of skills to help us be present with the moment that is, even if we are resistant to a situation and our feelings about it. May we remember that the only certainty about what is, is that it will change.
An offering of movements to provide flexibility where there is chronic tightness and strength where there is often weakness along with techniques for the breath and focus skills for the mind. Practices that cultivate balance can help part of us stay tethered to the consistency of contentment in the face of inevitable change.
Yoga Nidra, which means "yogic sleep" is a meditation that invites the practitioner to lay down and listen as she is guided through relaxation, a body scan and imagery with the intention to deeply relax the body, rest the busy mind and drop into a profoundly healing state. Please enjoy this version customized for the season of spring any time you need a refresh.
Your first of two yearly mini-retreats in Vibrancy & Tranquility Daily explores the spring themes of renewing and clearing our outer and inner spaces. Sample cleansing breath, rejuvenating movement, meditation and reflection about how spring is emerging in you. Includes a deluxe guided restorative reclined meditation because enhancing our energy also requires productive rest.
A 60 minute moderate experience with an invitation to focus on a heart-based quality like acceptance for another or self, empathy, compassion and love as a means of balancing the mind and its tendency for ceaseless chatter. The breath technique and sequence offered is meant as an embodiment of growing these qualities through our practice.
A short practice to add a spring to your step as you acclimate to the time change, or whenever you desire a quick lift in energy. A standing sequence of enlivening movements to warm the joints, free the breath, enhance circulation and spring forward into the rest of your day!
For my birthday I created a sequence intended to celebrate the strength and mobility we have available now. This 75 minute feel-good hatha flow features fluid and challenging movements intended to free the upper back while invigorating and inspiring appreciation for health and wellbeing. Closes with a guided body scan to enhance restoration post-practice.
As nature renews and each day is lighter, our practices can be a reflection of nature. To inspire a lighter mood, explore playful movement, an energizing breath technique and a practice to connect with real self-acceptance for days that feel heavier. Closes with a extended, guided rest to restore energy levels.
A 60 min hatha class that explores warming, strengthening and stretching the shoulders and hips to encourage more "freedom" of the chest, low back and shoulder area. When we feel free in our bodies, we might have more space in our minds. We enhance the physical intention with an energizing breath technique and imagery to clear the path towards freedom in the body, mind and heart.
A 75 minute hatha practice that invites you to experience the warm hearted feelings of "offering" your practice to someone you care about. Expect some challenging moments in this balancing, dynamic physical sequence before slowing things down for rest.
Designed to attend to a late winter mood, this 90 minute workshop offers various skills using the breath, body and mind to lift, lighten and invigorate. Expect a unique gratitude practice, breath-work to enliven, a dynamic asana practice and a restorative yoga nidra guided meditation to refresh.
A short practice to meet a heavier day or mood. Renewing movement and breath followed by heart centered imagery to warm and lighten from the outside in and the inside out.
Neuroscience tells us we can practice the ability to create internal feeling states anytime we want. This morning practice helps us create a sense of feeling connected to the world around us, and to other people, including cultivating empathy, which has been shown to contribute to our well-being overall.