An enlivening 50 minutes exploring how the practice of being present can offer a wellspring of renewal and rejuvenation. This experience is ideally suited for the morning and closes with a balancing and often energizing technique in the closing meditation.
An opportunity to let go of physical and mental tension. Expect to mindfully move through the body, noticing and releasing tightness and holding. Explore gentle joint warming leading toward a moderate hatha practice focusing on a release of shoulders and hips followed by a refreshing rest.
A 75 minute hatha practice that invites you to experience the warm hearted feelings of "offering" your practice to someone you care about. Expect some challenging moments in this balancing, dynamic physical sequence before slowing things down for rest.
It's balancing for the mind and body to practice present-centered awareness. This 60 minute sequence features a blend of ease and challenge with encouraging cues to practice the art of awareness throughout. Feel the difference presence can make.
An exploration of a breath technique designed to calm the mind and relax the body throughout this moderate, therapeutic hatha class. The physical sequence attends to sore and "tight" upper and lower backs. 60 mins of breath awareness with movement can equal the ability to truly rest and relax productively.
A practice designed to help you feel more connected to the present moment through purposeful attention to the body and the breath. Therapeutic tools include the calming, freeing experience of joint mobility, followed by a union of movement and breathing and strengthening with an exploration of balance to further focus the mind. Mindful relaxation closes this 50 minute class which can be practiced with the Spotify playlist “Grounded” found on my lisaddumas account
A 75 minute hatha practice that can be used to energize, or to calm down, depending on which aspect of the breath you choose to focus on. Deepening our inhales can add an additional sense of vitality while lengthening exhales can promote relaxation. A moderate sequence to free your joints, strengthen your muscles and ultimately rest your body and mind.
An experience crafted for a chillier time of year, or time of day. Warming, stronger postures are matched with a warming breath practice, leading to longer stretches, a relaxing breath technique and full relaxation.
A 60 minute practice intended to “lighten” a heavier mood. Includes a breath technique and visualization to create space between thoughts and movements that invite the mind to focus and may create a more spacious feeling in the body.
A 60 minute slow and mindful hatha practice that invites you to practice the concept of accepting each moment as whole and enough. Explore your variations of postures as enough, your breath as enough, your body as enough. Nothing to be added or taken away.
When the events of the day ahead feel overwhelming, this short practice is designed to support a shift in perspective and the possibility of doing your day from a place of love and appreciation. Includes invigorating movement and a technique to cultivate more lightness and joy.
An ideal class to close the day using various techniques to call our energy back to the present moment. From there, we can discern our most efficient use of it. Expect mindful, grounding centering and movement intended to be an embodiment of the natural cycle of expansion and contraction.
A therapeutic practice to support long term hip health by mobilizing the hip joints and strengthening the muscles around the hips. You'll need a chair and a wall nearby.
A moderate 75 minute hatha practice designed to get things moving, whether it be difficult emotions, habitual worrying thoughts or lethargy due to time of year. Explore a breath technique to break up inertia and a purposeful quality of movement to focus the mind and warm the body.
A 15 minute standing practice intended to help overcome invasive thoughts that may prevent you from focusing on what you choose. Invitations to balance may require a wall or chair nearby.
A 60 min moderate hatha experience inviting you to practice present-centered awareness. Through attention on body sensations and breath, we learn to compassionately observe what we sense and think rather than identify with thought patterns based on past conditioning. Prop: bolster or pillows
A deluxe practice that begins and ends on the ground. Expect to prepare your joints for strengthening in postures that stay close to the mat. Once warm, we’ll move into a few yin and restorative shapes to balance the “yang” energy we experience in most hours of the day. Thoughts are also invited to slow and rest through several cues to “be here now”, an ideal evening practice
Gift yourself the time to move through this inspiring collection of tools to warm you up from the inside out, and the outside in. Feel how devotion, gratitude, and reflection can enlighten. Explore movement to enhance digestion and renew. Be guided through a breath practice and restoring yoga nidra meditation to restore and balance.
Our minds are built to look for what could go wrong, what we need to achieve and what to worry about. For busy modern humans, that can mean a feeling of overwhelm or even anxiety. This 75 minute practice teaches how to ground the mind in what is more uplifting but also very true through a breath technique, visualization and movement intended to create a lighter, more expansive physical sensation.
A 60 minute practice beginning with a breath technique and mantra to rest and focus the mind. We thread the mantra through the movement to continue to protect the mind, while the rhythmic quality of asana is intended to merge with breath and the repeated internal sound inviting us toward our peaceful nature.