Movement to warm up your body in cooler weather or to prepare for the day while focusing on intention to hold gratitude for the reasons you show up in your life.
A practice that begins 30 days of gratitude, OR any day, week, or month of your choosing. Start with journaling gratitude, followed by a breath technique and a brief warm up to embody appreciation before shifting into other forms of movement and daily tasks feeling more content with what already is.
Warm up, strengthen and restore in a full body experience designed to help you move away from distraction and back to what matters most. This practice closes with a few restorative postures using a pillow or a bolster and 2 small blankets.
A 90 minute experience intended to empower you with physical practices, breath techniques, mindfulness and a meditation to soothe and calm overwhelm, chronic worry and tension.
An opportunity to reflect on what you'd like to receive more of, and what you'd like to offer to someone else through your earnest practice. You'll be invited to weave your intentions through a rhythmic, moderate flow designed to increase mobility, strength and flexibility.
In June's Workshop I offer a selection of practices to prepare your body for rest. Explore them as part of this 90 minute ritual, or sample the various skills I offer as part of your nightly routine. Expect to receive reflections to help you release lingering thoughts from the day, movement and stretches to release tension, a specific breath technique, a meditation, a relaxing self-massage and a yoga nidra to help you drift off to restorative sleep.
Here are three more ideas for tiny, easy habits that you could connect to activities you already do each day. This week, I offer inspirations for shower time, the moments we spend waiting and a quick pre-meal ritual that can turn eating into a sacred moment of gratitude.
This 20 minute practice offers a technique to shift the mind away from habitual morning thinking to inspiration, presence and thoughts that welcome you wholly to a new day. You'll receive a poem to promote a more expansive mindset and a joint freeing sequence matched with breath and ideas to awaken while cultivating a kinder inner morning landscape.
A quick breath technique and set of movements to energize the body and remind the brain to take in the sweetness of life a little more often.
As nature renews and each day is lighter, our practices can be a reflection of nature. To inspire a lighter mood, explore playful movement, an energizing breath technique and a practice to connect with real self-acceptance for days that feel heavier. Closes with a extended, guided rest to restore energy levels.
Features a sequence that focuses on functional core strengthening. Expect a stronger practice that invites you to utilize a "warming" Ujjayi style breath (gently firming the back of the throat so your breath is more audible and long) throughout. Stoke your inner flame so it is sustainable, and stay mindful through this empowering slow flow.
A 60 min hatha class that explores warming, strengthening and stretching the shoulders and hips to encourage more "freedom" of the chest, low back and shoulder area. When we feel free in our bodies, we might have more space in our minds. We enhance the physical intention with an energizing breath technique and imagery to clear the path towards freedom in the body, mind and heart.
Designed to attend to a late winter mood, this 90 minute workshop offers various skills using the breath, body and mind to lift, lighten and invigorate. Expect a unique gratitude practice, breath-work to enliven, a dynamic asana practice and a restorative yoga nidra guided meditation to refresh.
A 30 minute hatha class that invites you to investigate the quality of the tone of voice you use when you talk to yourself. A practice that is strengthening for the arms and upper back to create more freedom in the shoulders and maybe even a more spacious feeling at the heart.
This meditation is intended to support you in softening into the qualities of the heart. Have your timer ready set to your desired practice time and enjoy this healing visualization practice.
A practice to connect with qualities like love, compassion and gratitude. We begin with asking for what we need with a breath visualization followed by a heart-centered mudra and movement and we close with an embodiment of gratitude with a practice of thanks. A beautiful way to soften before a tough interaction or to lead with love.
A practice to use when thoughts are chaotic. Bring awareness to the center of the body, enliven and prepare the body for the day with movements from the edges of the body to the center and choose a a heart centered thought as the north star for the day
A short practice to quickly cultivate vitality when you’re feeling sluggish. Starting standing, we explore a powerful mudra to turn on our positive determination and personal power, move more dynamically with shaking (and maybe dancing) and close by choosing a thought that helps propel us toward taking useful actions.
This slow flow hatha class begins with a breath technique intended to help us connect with our inner teacher, higher perspectives and intuition. Throughout the practice, you will be offered prompts and inquiry to continue to connect with your inner wisdom. An ideal practice for confusion, overwhelm or of feeling "stuck"
This slow flow hatha class begins with a breath technique to ignite the symbolic heart space. The physical practice is structured to "open" the front of the body and strengthen the back of the body and it closes with relaxation and meditation intended to help us stay connected to love, gratitude, compassion and the other expansive qualities of our hearts.