Explore approaching your practice by aligning body, breath and mind, choosing an attitude to bring to the movement and from there take inspired action!
A breath and movement practice that symbolizes the act of drawing our attention back to our own experience, protecting us from the drain of paying attention to so many other things outside of our self. Expect warming posture holds encouraging us to channel that inner heat to fortify our own energy stores.
This 30 minute practice begins with an uplifting breath technique and focuses on movement designed to increase a sense of vitality in body and mind. Closes with an enlivening yet calming restorative shape.
30 minutes of rejuvenating breath and movement to start the day with renewed vitality!
The ayurvedic concept of "agni" is related to the element of fire and its symbolism as the heat that supports our healthy digestion of food and life. This workshop offers breath skills, visualization techniques and specific core-centred movements and twists to enhance our ability to metabolize the food we eat and the life we lead.
An opportunity to intentionally use your practice as a means of helping to integrate life experiences. A core-centered rhythmic flow with an invitation to reflect on what is being processed throughout.
A 30 minute gentle rhythmic rejuvenation that invites you to use your practice with intention to process and metabolize your daily experiences and feel the way you want to feel more often.
Evidence shows that rhythmic movements from right to left can help us foster confidence and courage. Enjoy this short practice the next time you want to feel authentically you!
A selection of therapeutic skills including a compassionate self check-in, a moving mudra, specific winter movement and a meditation for self-love to break up stagnation and warm the heart.
A strengthening sequence for the glutes, core, shoulders and arms balanced by the softening quality of learning to kindly attend to ourselves by regularly checking in with the various aspects of who we are.
Yoga and Ayurveda teach us that to break up a stagnant, lower winter mood, we can add a warming element to our movement and create greater circulation in the chest. Find out more in this practice that uses body weight to strengthen arms and the upper back for greater freedom across the chest (and heart).
In this strengthening sequence I lead you through one set of movements combining conservative squatting (chair pose/goddess) with arm weights. You are invited to continue with 2 to 3 more sets for a deluxe workout!
Both yoga and western science teach us that our inhales are associated with increased alertness, attention and invigoration. This full practice focuses on a deeper philosophy surrounding breath directions and how the inhale is related to opening and clearing the heart of heavy, stagnant (kapha) energy. Expect full body movement that may increase mobility of the upper back and shoulders.
If you've been stepping up your exercise routine in the new year, support yourself by warming up with a sequence like this to prepare your body for the movement to come!
A brief standing sequence to encourage lymphatic fluid flow, increase circulation and stimulate the skin. A helpful practice to get things moving to balance winter stillness.
Free the joints, warm the muscles and strengthen hips, core and upper back with a short standing sequence to invigorate, uplift and ready your body for the day to come.
Fluid, rhythmic movements and breath awareness to calm the mind, followed by posture holds to strengthen, enliven and shed stagnation. A complete practice of therapeutic movement for the whole body for grey and chilly days.
Twenty minutes of strong movement to fire up a low winter mood and break up holiday stagnation.
A 90 minute experience to acknowledge the arrival of the winter season and the longer days of light. Exploring the pause at the end of the exhale is a calming, balancing technique through an invigorating sequence and reflections to close the end of the year.
A 15 minute enlivening sequence to explore when you'd like to lift your energy or mood.