A special 90 minute experience that offers several ideas for inserting supportive mini practices into your day and options for inspiring you when you have more time for movement, meditation and productive rest.
An invitation to connect to a memory, person or image that feels "opening" for the heart and the warm feelings related to that symbolic place within. Then, flow through an invigorating sequence to feel more expansive outside and in.
A 20 minute class focused on stronger movements to quickly release stagnation and a sense of being "stuck".
In our March workshop we explored an idea of "balance" that invites us to move, breathe and meditate with the intention to better hold and accept all aspects of who we are as we hold so many aspects of the human experience in the world now.
Yoga teaches that a regulated mind is one that is in service to our authentic self. This 75 minute practice begins on the floor, then engages in a breath visualization, movement and meditation intended to link the mind and heart.
Celebrate your body and all it does by offering yourself sustainable choices in your movement. This 60 minute experience is designed to foster appreciation for body, breath and the gift of another day stepping into who you want to be.
If you've been offering a lot of your energy out into the world and operating on empty for a while, this practice is intended to help you pour back in with the help of nourishing breath, expansive moderate movement and deep rest.
A version of a lovingkindness meditation intended to help you foster friendliness and kindness toward self, overcoming the habitual inner critic.
An opportunity to intentionally use your practice as a means of helping to integrate life experiences. A core-centered rhythmic flow with an invitation to reflect on what is being processed throughout.
Evidence shows that rhythmic movements from right to left can help us foster confidence and courage. Enjoy this short practice the next time you want to feel authentically you!
A selection of therapeutic skills including a compassionate self check-in, a moving mudra, specific winter movement and a meditation for self-love to break up stagnation and warm the heart.
A 15 minute practice that invites you to turn your gaze inward and hold space for "what is" in this moment. Check in with your mind, body, breath, emotional tone and energy to get information for what you need through the day.
Yoga and Ayurveda teach us that to break up a stagnant, lower winter mood, we can add a warming element to our movement and create greater circulation in the chest. Find out more in this practice that uses body weight to strengthen arms and the upper back for greater freedom across the chest (and heart).
Both yoga and western science teach us that our inhales are associated with increased alertness, attention and invigoration. This full practice focuses on a deeper philosophy surrounding breath directions and how the inhale is related to opening and clearing the heart of heavy, stagnant (kapha) energy. Expect full body movement that may increase mobility of the upper back and shoulders.
A sequence that gets your whole body moving, but not too far from the floor. For days when you want to practice, but you also kinda don't.
Yoga philosophy teaches that our breath can mobilize our prana and influence its state. Prana is said to be our energetic life force that animates everything from our thoughts to our immune system. This meditation uses breath awareness and visualization and is preceded by standing movement to prepare.
Enjoy a supine meditation where you will be guided into deep relaxation for the body and mind and invited to explore imagery to help celebrate the return of the sun after the longest night of the year.
A 90 minute experience to acknowledge the arrival of the winter season and the longer days of light. Exploring the pause at the end of the exhale is a calming, balancing technique through an invigorating sequence and reflections to close the end of the year.
Brief movement, breathwork, contemplation and visualization to remember what is most important to you at this time of year.
A practice of mindful movement intended to support the art of being present in all the moments we pour our hearts into creating. Full body mindful strengthening followed by slower stretches and a lengthened body scan meditation.